Social Impact

Eye Services

A Clearer Future

In Tanzania, an estimated 848,530 people are visually impaired and 32,930 are blind. Most could have been treated or cured.

Since its inception in 2001, CCBRT’s Eye Department has grown into Tanzania’s largest provider of eye care.  The department is a pioneer of the modern cataract treatment modality named phaco emulsification as the main surgical intervention covering about 70% of all cataract surgeries, small incision cataract surgery of which CCBRT pioneered 20 years ago in the country is done in 35% of all. 

It provides medical and surgical specialized and super specialized services in pediatric ophthalmology, retina, glaucoma, and Oculoplasty. Treatment of conditions like diabetic retinopathy, retina detachments, congenital cataracts &  glaucoma, squint operations, DCR, and trabeculectomy have contributed to improving the quality of life and economic well-being of our patients, allowing children to continue with their studies or adults to carry out activities essential for their jobs. CCBRT is also home to groundbreaking ophthalmic research that is changing how conditions like cataracts and glaucoma are treated in Sub-Saharan Africa.

CCBRT is a hub for refractive error treatment with a range of customized frames and lenses. Houses one of the best contact lens specialists in the country and offers low vision, orthotics, and squint treatment. For the past three years, the department’s performance has reached annually to   88,500 consultations, 7800 total surgeries, and 312 ward admissions. For over three years cataract surgery outcome has been used as an indicator for the quality of services provided in which the score has been ranging between 90 to 92% against cut off point of 90% by WHO.